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C & I Outsourcing

C & I Outsourcing

C & I Outsourcing

We are a leading provider of Human Resource Solutions in Nigeria. We combine a process/customer – centered approach in delivering bespoke services tailored to suit the peculiar needs of our clients across industries- FMCG, Financial institutions, Telecoms, Energy, Oil & Gas, Manufacturing etc. Our service bouquet comprises:

Visit our candidate assessment platform to get the right employee for your business. It handles the end-to-end process of recruiting.

Visit our recruitment portal to initiate a big career move today

Visit our e-learning platform

Value Added Services

  • Induction & Onboarding
  • Power in our numbers for HMO, insurance & other rates
  • Integrated, programmed Health & Safety Trainings
  • Nigerian Labour law compliance and guidance
  • Loans available to hires via our partner MFBs & Coop
  • Uniforms & PPE purchase and distribution

We bring over 3 decades experience with us and so much more. make us your preferred Outsourcing partner

Why choose us?

C & I Outsourcing currently looks after over 5000 diverse skilled and experienced employees for a varied mix of multinational and local corporate organizations spread across the 36 states of Nigeria. Our clients choose us and continue to stay with us for the following benefits and reasons:

  • Our speed of delivery
  • Our flexible, friendly pricing & payment terms
  • Our experienced, seasoned,professional operations and client service team
  • Our compliance records with Insurance, Pension and other statutory requirements according to the labour laws of Nigeria.
  • Our diversified experience and referrals from our satisfied clients.
  • Our  dutiful attention to the health, safety and wellness of  our over 5000 employees nationwide.

Let's get started

Contact us with your specific needs and we will process a detailed proposal for implementation, process and a quote.

Based on mutually beneficial terms and conditions we reach an agreement and both parties sign the relevant papers to document our agreement.

We assign a relationship officer to your organization and in some case they are deployed to resume at your site daily for effective and seamless operations according to your stated requirements.

Reports will be shared on a periodic basis weekly to monthly or quarterly, depending on your stated needs or requirements. Invoicing is also treated accordingly based on activities executed.

Email us at

Call 09062533943 or 08172007212


With Our vast relationship with top leadership groups around the globe, we can get the right leader across any industry, such as Oil and gas, Engineering, IT & Communication, Banking etc..


As a leader in the call center solutions business, our aim is to meet our client’s business objective. We have the latest infrastructure, skilled  customer service agents and technology to establish an excellent relationship with a client’s customer

The C & I Leasing Group has more business support services

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